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谁了解queensbrough community college这所学校?

已有 4552 次阅读2010-3-27 07:35 分享到微信

拜托了,Thank you







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回复 cherish 2011-11-8 17:59
回复 q276488083 2010-3-28 10:01
To: rubin 你曾经说:
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Queensborough Community College, and congratulations on deciding to earn an Associate degree and improve your lives! For almost fifty years, now, Queensborough Community College has been a starting place for students to pursue their academic and career goals.

Queensborough reflects the uniqueness of the local Queens community - the most diverse

回复 rubin 2010-3-27 09:29

“新进港”英文班进社区法拉盛开班 欢迎华裔生报名
发布时间: 2007-5-10 22:49 作者: annie 信息来源:
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  法拉盛授课地点为王子街(Prince St)号二楼,英文班分早、午、晚及周六上午班,提供不同的时间及科目。即日起欢迎来电询问及索取秋季班简章。请电华语专线:718-281-5410。
  以上各课程之报名及考试分班日期为:(1)、5月14日(周一)及16日(周三),上午 10时整,在皇后社区学院大学本部内之图书馆大楼(Library Building)地下室#6号课室举行。(2)、5月15日(周二)及17日(周四)在法拉盛分校王子街39-07号二楼举行。(3)、晚间及周六英文班之报名日期为5月15日(周二)、17日(周四)晚上7时至9时及5月19日(周六)上午10时至中午12时,在法拉盛分校举行(地址如前)。报名时需缴报名费,学费则于开学前一周缴清。
皇后社区学院地址为:222-05 56 Ave., Bayside,NY 11364。办公室在科学大楼(Science Building)108室。
回复 rubin 2010-3-27 09:23
Dear Friend,

Welcome to Queensborough Community College, and congratulations on deciding to earn an Associate degree and improve your lives! For almost fifty years, now, Queensborough Community College has been a starting place for students to pursue their academic and career goals.

Queensborough reflects the uniqueness of the local Queens community - the most diverse county in the United States. We distinguish ourselves from every other higher education institution in this land with our diversity of cultures, including roughly equal populations of African Americans, Asians, Caucasians and Latinos. In fact, close to half of our students were born in another country, and 47% speak a language other than English at home. Our college environment actively teaches students the value of diversity in a pluralistic society and prepares them for the real world they will face beyond their academic experience.

More than 13,000 students are currently enrolled in Associate degree or certificate programs at Queensborough Community College, and another 10,000 students of all ages attend continuing education programs on our campus. Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Queensborough Community College offers transfer and career degree programs through seventeen academic departments resulting in the Associate in Arts (A.A.), the Associate in Science (A.S.), and the Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degrees. The College also offers non-credit courses, certificate programs, and access to the visual and performing arts which serves both the student body and the greater New York City community.

Why do students attend Queensborough Community College? The top two reasons are to transfer to a four-year college or university and to obtain the necessary skills for career advancement. Our students have specific academic and career goals, and Queensborough Community College serves an integral part in fulfilling those goals.

When I became President in 2000, my goal was to provide a private school environment in a public setting. I believe that we have methodically prepared ourselves to make these promises a reality.

All of our students deserve the same individualized attention that is provided for those who attend private institutions. We are in the process of extending our academic and support services through the six Learning Academies that we are in the process of introducing this year and will be completing in the fall of 2009. This academic year, our Education, Visual and Performing Arts and Technology Academies will ensure that all of our first time, full time students will benefit from the advantages of a focused academic approach, rich educational experiences, individualized support services, and graduate with the education and confidence they need to succeed in their lives.

Many members of the faculty at Queensborough Community College are actively engaged in community college research to study and improve the teaching methodologies to benefit our students. Queensborough’s highly credentialed faculty, nearly 60% of whom hold a doctoral degree, publish scholarly books and articles, conduct research, and compete internationally in academic forums. The faculty are equally dedicated to the success of their students and encourage them to actively manage their own intellectual development. In addition to an accomplished faculty, our attentive student advisors, counselors and tutors are at your side to guide and support you on your way.
As you plan your educational path, take the time to envision your future beyond Queensborough – be it to earn your baccalaureate degree, or to advance to the career or your dreams. Whatever it may be, you will find in the pages of this catalog the information you need to be successful at Queensborough. Know that the faculty and administration of Queensborough are here to support you in reaching your educational, social and professional objectives, as well as to offer you an opportunity to serve your community. I sincerely wish you happiness and success while you are with us at Queensborough Community College, and the achievement of your life goals in the years ahead.

Dr. Eduardo J. Marti, President

Dr. Eduardo J. Martí, President


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