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忆江南 //www.sinovision.net/?71727 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] ”To reach a port we must sail, sometimes with the wind, and sometimes against it.“

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已有 3543 次阅读2011-10-20 00:51 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信


第一,美国各州法律不同。Minnesota and Vermont 的法律是要求旁观者援救受难者的,虽然惩罚仅是小数目的罚款。



A recent news item in New York City showed portions of video from a surveillance camera.   Twenty or more people simply passed by a man that was lying on the street.   It happened that that man had just saved a woman from a knife wielding attacker and in the scuffle, had himself been attacked.   No one stopped to help this man for an hour after the incident, and the “Good Samaritan” eventually died of his wounds for want of a “Good Samaritan” to come to his aid..   Prompt attention would have saved his life.
 It is difficult to understand the motivation of anyone that would simply ignore another human being in grave distress.  Certainly, however, the public policy in most, , if not all, states, and definitely in New York, is to encourage the performance of life saving acts. To this end, there is a “Good Samaritan” law (Public Health Law, Article 30, Section 3000-a) that specifically establishes protection for anyone acting as a “Good Samaritan.”

The law applies in the following circumstances:
 ―It applies to ANY person (and NOT just medical personnel)
 ―The person must act without any expectation of monetary  compensation
 ―The act must take place outside a hospital or other medical facility
Under those circumstances, the person rendering the aid will not be held liable for either injuries or death allegedly caused by any act of that “Good Samaritan” while rendering aid, UNLESS it is determined that the “Good Samaritan” was “grossly negligent” in performing his acts.
What constitutes “Gross Negligence” can differ in different situations.  One word of advice, stay within your sphere of abilities.  If you have never taken a course in CPR, or learned how to utilize a defibrillator, be reluctant to utilize those capabilities.  A first step should always be to seek professional help if available.  Most important: the motivation should always be to assist the person in dire distress?and certainly not to render yourself a “hero.”
 One more word of advice: No one is required to lend assistance?unless, of course, you are responsible for the dire situation in which the injured party finds him or herself.  If,  however, the decision is made to assist someone, the injured person  must not be left in a worsened condition than before the assistance began. So, if you decide to take an injured person to a hospital and, after driving a block you decide you’d rather not do it, for whatever reason, you cannot simply dump the person in the middle of a street where traffic now becomes a real hazard in addition to whatever injury the person sustained.







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回复 方枪枪 2011-10-20 10:19
To: 海明是阿Q 你曾经说:
回复 海明是阿Q 2011-10-20 10:18
To: 方枪枪 你曾经说:
我这么一说,估计又要挨板砖了。。。。。。。 不知道999要是也看那文章的话会怎样认为。又一齐认为当时对海明的认识还有更大的错误!!!
回复 方枪枪 2011-10-20 10:11
我这么一说,估计又要挨板砖了。。。。。。。 不知道999要是也看那文章的话会怎样认为。又一齐认为当时对海明的认识还有更大的错误!!!
回复 方枪枪 2011-10-20 10:07
To: 海明是阿Q 你曾经说:

他这个尾巴露得可不好。从你这篇文他又露出点其它的尾巴了,不过我又要反思我自己了。我现在觉得海明在桑黄案中极大可能有误导行为(我指可告误导的),。。。。。这。。当然是从法律意义上来说。我查了国内的一点文章,又回过头来看了看LAO的。真是汗~! 又当学一回法律知识
回复 海明是阿Q 2011-10-20 09:55
To: 方枪枪 你曾经说:
回复 海明是阿Q 2011-10-20 09:54
To: 强森 你曾经说:
回复 强森 2011-10-20 08:33
回复 方枪枪 2011-10-20 02:13


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