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苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之 //www.sinovision.net/?10699 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] 利在一身勿谋也,利在天下者必谋之

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已有 1827 次阅读2011-1-4 09:34 |个人分类:情感绿洲|系统分类:杂谈分享到微信




     Responsibility is power, responsibility to change China. By 2010, innumerable fiery responsibility push China's development and progress. Based on duty, we express wish; BSFLP, We down-to-earth, is practical, We are committed to move forward, more beautiful future! Mesults "responsibility China", is each responsibility of the Chinese people!

                 ---“responsibility China -- 2006wccif 2010 annual selection”organizing committee int


[toward], bo blog I don't want to say I was moved

作者:宋丞策 The author SongCheng strategy:

我不想说我很感动 I don't want to say I was moved

我不想说我很温馨 I don't want to say I am very sweet

可是我不能忘记博友的强音 But I can't forget the blog JiangYin

这边发贴温馨的祝福 This Posting warm blessings

那边收藏真挚的友谊 There collection sincere friendship

总是升级绚丽的记忆 Always upgrade flowery memory

点击浏览的网,收藏博友的情 Click browse the nets, collect blog of feeling

今日的彩虹我会链接 Today's rainbow I'll link

昨日的云雾我会关闭 Yesterday I closed the fog of

许多的蓝图可以复制 any of the blueprint to copy

可是我不能忘记你的鼓励 But I can't forget your encouragement

是你那多色的音箱 Are you the one color sound box

──共享网的和弦 ─ ─ sharing nets chord

是你那魔术的鼠标 s that your magic of the mouse

──定位网的窗口 ─ ─ positioning nets window

是你那温馨的键盘 Is that your warmth of keyboard

──打开网的大门 ─ open nets gate

想想未来的天看看脚下的路 Think about the future days look at the foot of the road

不管明天什么记录 No matter what tomorrow record

一样的加载一样的安装 The same loading the same installation

你的祝福我会保存 Your blessing I will save

你的友谊我会显示 our friendship I'll show

你的鼓励我会激活 Your encouragement I'll activation

一样的我就在你的银屏前 As I am in your screen before

一样的迅雷一样的下载 The same thunderbolt same download

许多的记录可以粘贴 Many records can stick

我不能忘记今天的音像 I can't forget today's audio and video

明天我还会自动播放 Tomorrow I'll be automatic playback

评选链接:·社会责任博客评选火热进行中 Selection links: · social responsibility blog selection hot







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