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高瞻远瞩 You Stand High Certainly Your Know Much More 新闻评论

已有 1479 次阅读2018-2-28 09:27 分享到微信


高瞻远瞩  You Stand High Certainly Your Know Much More 新闻评论_图1-1

高瞻远瞩  You Stand High Certainly Your Know Much More 新闻评论_图1-2

如果Trump 总统能够按照《就职演说》里对世界的承诺:“探解天空的奥秘,为人类解除疾患”,大规模的组织政治和学术措施,用大当量的人工爆炸对地震的突变限时定域,无害化处理;组织“用PN结紫外线灭杀艾滋病毒,保障疾患者存活”,用政府机构主导“人体细胞的裂变导向”,让癌症象常见病、多发病一样常规治愈;我们应该支持Trump 连任美国总统!

如果这个方面没有建树,没有大规模行动,我们只能问问:120万艾滋病患者还在老皇历上等死吗?下次地震死伤人数是播报10万,还是播报20万?…… 政治应该围绕着这些问题转,不管你是川普还是希拉蕊,是卢比奥还是“金嗓子”,是克里斯蒂娜还是拜登,谁对解决这些问题有利,我们就铁定拥护谁!


You Stand High Certainly You Know Much More

If President Donald Trump is able to follow the commitment to world at <The Inaugural Address>: "explore the mysteries of the sky and relieve the disease for mankind", great-scale organizational political and academic steps, take a large equivalent artificial explosion to limit the time and region for the sudden change in earthquakes, as the disaster treatment; Organization and implementation "PN junction ultraviolet radiation killing AIDS virus ", to ensure the survival of the disease patients; the "fission guide of human cells" is dominated by government agencies. let cancer cure like common diseases and multiple diseases; we should support Trump re-elect as President..

If there is not massive action in this aspect, there are not sweep away all the enemy. we only ask about these: 1200 thousands AIDS patient  in the old almanac waiting to die?   In the next earthquake, casualty proson you broadcast 100 thousands or 200 thousands? …  Politics should be focused on these problems, whether you are Trump or Hillary, Rubio or "Gold Voice", Christina or Biden, who is beneficial to solve these problems, we must advocate who!








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