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不是利益集团 Interest Groups No 新闻评论

已有 952 次阅读2018-6-5 08:35 分享到微信

杭州保姆纵火案二审宣判:驳回上诉 维持原判

不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-1



不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-2

一审给出的死刑判处似有凭空和扭曲。按照 Mainland 的《婚姻法》《计划生育法》等文字表叙,一个普通家庭里是不可能出现3个未成年子女的,如果“4人死亡”没有造假,并且不包括“收养弃婴”,那么火灾发生之前,一定有违法违纪在先了……

不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-3


不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-4

不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-5

不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-6





不是利益集团 Interest Groups No  新闻评论_图1-7


 Interest Groups No

"Maintaining the original judgment" should be based on the unassailable position of original sentenced. Not only in accordance to the provisions of the law, and the spirit of the rule of law, it is also in conformity to reason and custom. Otherwise, it evolved into a bureaucrat and an interest group.

The death penalty given by the first instance seems that is empty and distorted. According to Mainland's <marriage law> and <family planning law>, it is impossible for an ordinary family there are 3 underage children, if "4 people die", there is no counterfeiting, and it does not include "adopt abandoned baby", then before the conflagration, there must be the breach of law and discipline first.

Fire rescue in judicial interpretation is biased. The fire hydrant rust to loss control. that is responsibility of property management and maintainers. at least it is not responsibility of that accused; Set the temporary water is provided from ground press to 18th storey building, that there is the serious flaw in building, and not build any water storage.
The fire brigade did not dispatch high-rise fire extinguishing equipment; no dedicated helicopters are involved in the fire;… if there are more than 30 high-rise buildings in city of Hangzhou, it should be held responsible for " the duty of leadership" ..., all of which are unrelated from nanny.

In the news report and the judicial document, many mentions Mo-HuanJing because involves the gambling, has dabbled in the arson crime ..., you do not think the "Civil servants' wages quadrupled" also were the gambling?

Forge iron first hard yourself, educate others should educate yourselt first .

If it is correct to "reject the appeal and maintain the original judgment", Same crime, fire book, kead to fire curtains, same loss, 4 people died ,property loss, and environmental damage, the probability should be >50%.  This is the rule and law, others all are "accidental" and could not are "inevitable"...

This is where you can change your bad day, the focus is not fire necessarily, just remember: Money should be the mark of labor.








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