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已有 4981 次阅读2018-7-14 02:52 |系统分类:军事分享到微信


美籍作家默爾·米勒(Merle Miller1974年出版的”信口開河 - 杜鲁门口头自传“,“Plain Speaking An Oral Biography of Harry S. Truman伯力出版,普南发行,在亚马逊网站63位读者当中的65%读者评为4.4颗星。书的第24章(Firing The General),第288 / 289页。第309 / 310页,(两册版面大小不同,但内容相同)书中提到美国33任总统杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)在1948年大罵蔣介石:他们每一个该死的都是小偷。杜鲁门说道:国民党的领导们,他們從我們送给蒋的350亿美元中偷去7.5億美元。他們偷了這筆錢,并且將這筆錢投資在巴西圣保罗,和在纽约的房地產。(“They’re all thieves, eve


ry damn of them”“Refering to Nationalist leaders“”And they stole seven hundred and fifty million dollars out of the thirty –five billion that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in São Paulo and some right here in New York“)。


165年历史的纽约时报,在2003 1025的标题为Madame Chiang Kai-shek, a Power in Husband’s China and Abroad, Dies at 105。我转摘原文翻译如下。第10记载如下;历史学家记录蒋用谋杀方式努力赢得政权,最后失去权力,稍后蒋家窃取好几百万美元,那是美国用来援助国民党战争的。(Yet historians have documented the murderous path that Chiang Kai-shek led in his efforts to win, then keep, and ultimately lose power. It also became clear in later years that the Chiang family had pocketed hundreds of millions of dollars of American aid intended for the war.)。紧接着:罗斯福夫人说:蒋夫人夸夸大谈民主,但是她不知道如何过民主的生活。("She can talk beautifully about democracy," Mrs. Roosevelt said later. "But she does not know how to live democracy."很多国民党士兵穷到乞讨食物,美国外交官发现美援物资一到达中国,很快就会流入黑市。(Many Nationalist soldiers were reduced to begging for food because they went unpaid, yet American diplomats discovered that military supplies sent from the United States to China sometimes appeared on the black market soon after arrival.)接着:1927年,蒋在上海执行屠杀,震惊了他的苏联支持者。埃德加·斯诺,美国记者,估计蒋介石的部队已执行超过5000人。(In 1927, Chiang shocked his Soviet backers by carrying out a massacre of leftists in Shanghai. Edgar Snow, the American journalist, estimated that Chiang's forces had executed more than 5,000 people.)。续:杜鲁门说道:我发现国民党的领导,每一位都是该死的小偷,他們從我們送给国民党的数十亿美元中偷去7.5億美元。他們偷了這筆錢,并且將這筆錢投資在巴西圣保罗,就位在纽约的房地產。They're thieves, every damn one of them," Truman said later, referring to Nationalist leaders. "They stole $750 million out of the billions that we sent to Chiang. They stole it, and it's invested in real estate down in São Paolo and some right here in New York..







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