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卖废品的……Some Brought from the Sell Waster

热度 1已有 1962 次阅读2018-7-29 07:48 分享到微信







Some Brought from the Sell Waster

Today, I went to sell waste, just stepped into the waste workshop door, behind that came a engineering vehicle, they are also to sell waste. The engineering truck came down several people, they would have corroded the old strand of aluminum, into bundles of unloading. It is estimated that they are a group of small electric Power company outside electrician, I've done a similar job before, so I asked them without restrain: Have you ever installed in Nantong Port ..., Then I made it very straightforward, the power lines of your transformation, several kilometers, dozens of kilometers, the quality of the new line is not as good as the old wire.

There was no hostility or attack, I explained to them that the old aluminum strand pulls out a root, bend it to form an arc, and can be restored into a straight. The newly-changed aluminum strand cannot be bent into an arc, and always bent at right angles on a certain point, If straightening is bound to appear the tensile force is 0 ...., the faces they gave me friendly: What memory these are useless things? 
Conveniently threw a fraction of the aluminum wire outside ....

10 years passed away, even it "Heaven and Earth Overturned" realy, Last time they were probably through the surveillance system, to find out where I am, The sample I collected, to obtain evidence for internet users, in the name of cleaning sanitation, all of them are taken away.
If I didn't piont out to them. maintenance of electric power lines, even if there is no expansion for capacity, new line is lifting the insulated of outer layer, 
to reduce its resistance to wind、 vapor、 snow and rain, environmental stress requirements, it is wrong,
like your "work" will create disaster for the world, leave a hidden danger to oneself ..., 
is it possible for them to regulate clean?

I am not familiar with the strength identification method of power cables, maybe I'm standing in the wrong position, but we all  are built for the heavy, the truth is the most. Destroying your argument, destroying your Internet condition , etc., it is not a good political method, legal method.








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